Friday, July 10, 2009

words from Grant

"dat not wiwee nice"
(that's not really nice)

"you in biiiiiiiig twouble"
(you're in big trouble)

"Mom, hoe jyou me"
(mom, will you hold me? or hold me now!)

"hoo(n)k" (really light on the n)

"just a widdow bit mom?"
(just a little bit mom? - always in reference to candy - answer is usually no)

"I hit you mom"
this is what he says when he's mad and because he's strapped in his car seat he can't reach me

"I'm peeding"
(I need to go to the bathroom quick or there's going to be an accident)

"I'm Gumming!"
(I'm coming)

"When I'm biggow like Ouwex"
(When I'm bigger like Alex--always talking about being bigger)

"My name Gwant"
(My name's Grant)

Grant reading the funny papers


Liz said...

So, so, so cute!!

Charlotte said...

That's so great. If he and Anne got together, I wonder if they could communicate.

I love 'hoe jyou me.' All my kids have said that.

jhoopes said...

Very funny and so endearing! I think it's stuff like this that we think we will remember, but we probably wouldn't unless it was written down somewhere!