Have I ever mentioned how fun my family is. An observer was mentioning just yesterday that our family seems really close. Well shoot, we don't get along perfectly but we really do have a good time together. I'm so glad I have them and we're able to get together often, especially since moving here.
Here's another fun thing we did over the Thanksgiving holiday. It was an adult only prefab Gingerbread House decorating contest.
that looks like fun. They look fantastic, great job!
did I hear ADULT ONLY! No candy licked houses?
No crooked shingles! I appreciate the kids having fun with making them and all, don't get me wrong..but a nice orderly gingerbread house is so beautiful! You really want to live in them! Fun for you guys!
Hey, that could be your next suggestion to the realtor. gingerbread style!
It's so great to see families still doing family stuff! I hope it continues for years to come!
Awesome! look much better than the one we did last night as a family that almost ended with a collapsed roof (it was only the persistence of Mike and I taking turns to hold it together while it dried that prevented a total disaster--as it was we do have one side of the house that caved in!).
You're all totally left-brained. My family is no-brained, lol.
I love how my family is close. I love getting together with them. The decorating contest would have had some siblings with a little bit of rivalry, though.
What a fun idea. I think I will incorporate this into our family. We decorate a house every year as a family. This year, I think it will be the children and Howard will decorate their own.
Fun--we all need some.
Adult only, ok that explains the perfectly decorated adorable houses! So fun!!!!
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