Tuesday, November 10, 2009

words from the wise

Grant and his little friend (a girl--they get along really well) were playing the other day when I heard this:

Friend: Grant, don't push me in the chest.

Grant: That's not your chess, this is your chess (points to his shoulder)

Friend: No, that's your elbow.

I get these kinds of conversations a lot with these two.


Tami said...

Ahh, don't you just love it? Good job recording these moments--they are priceless.

tralina said...

It just goes to show you that everyone is a teacher. So funny!

Charlotte said...

Love it!

jhoopes said...

That is so stinkin' cute! You'll be glad you wrote that one down one day! :)

Cheri said...

That is so funny. Comments like that give me that so-needed happy moment just when I need them.