Friday, March 5, 2010


We've had a couple of birthdays recently.

Alexander the Great has turned 7. This cute little guy shows his generous side every once in a while, like last week when he paid for his older brother at the Movie Theatre and on the same day gave me 4 quarters and said, "this is for all you do for me." Pretty cute!

Alex always picks Pumpkin Pie for his birthday dessert. Since this is Alex's off year for birthdays, he and Carl went to the local Nicklecade for a few hours.

His handsome father also had a birthday--a whopping 35 years old. I had big plans for his birthday but since it was a hectic week and things weren't working out AND I knew he wouldn't be as surprised and grateful as I would like him to be, I bought him a cheesecake instead, which he ate for the next 10 days since he's the only lover of cheesecake around here.

I guess we used all the candles for Alex's birthday

Grant giving Carl his box of band aids (the ones he got in in stocking) to Carl as a gift.

Katie's gift was a page of stickers.
Not pictured, Jordan and Alex both gave partially painted pictures to Carl.


Katie said...

I love hearing about the gifts your kids give, especially the quarters Alex gave you for all you do.

Katie said...

I love hearing about the gifts your kids give, especially the quarters Alex gave you for all you do.

Charlotte said...

What sweet kids!

Band-aids are a great stocking stuffer. I'll have to remember that.