Monday, June 9, 2008

All Stitched Up

Associated Press--Jordan, from the Brewers was struck with a baseball on Saturday while at bat. The ball slid right under his helmet, popping the lens out of his glasses and realigning his frames. His mom and dad were unable to move for a few seconds until his dad (who had their youngest in a headlock in order to keep him from breaking his neck while jumping off the bleachers) said, "Jamie go help him." Always quick to obey, she rushed to his side and found him badly wounded. A standby parent, apparently the medical type said, "it looks like he'll need stitches, trust me I know." That comment encouraged louder sobs from the wounded. The family went to the nearest InstaCare, saving themselves at least $100 and 2 hours that they would have spent in the emergency room.

With his mother at his side Jordan bravely prepped for stitches. While waiting for the topical numbing solution to work Jordan decided it would be better to have his father, who had stitches as a boy, with him. Jamie sat in the waiting room watching a movie with Alex and Kaite while Grant rearranged garbage cans and tried to operate the elevator. At last the boys emerged from the office, Jordan with 4 blue stitches and Carl white as a ghost, holding a juice box. Jamie exclaimed, "Why did we let you do that, I totally forgot." Yes even great women sometimes forget about their husband's inability to stomach needles. Jamie, who was disappointed not to be able to see the stitching process, had forgotten the many times her excellent husband was not able to witness a needle stick, including during all her labors (we're talking IV antibiotics). Shockingly, she even forgot the time when they were engaged and Carl said, "Please don't donate anymore plasma." Apparently it made him sick to pick her up from that location. Carl has been known to butcher rabbits and birth calves and pigs without even batting an eye but needles and humans are a completely different story. Jordan summed up the situation saying, "Mom, I guess you'll have to go with me next time I need stitches."


polka dots said...

Love how Grant is just like Cole and just tell Carl he is not alone. Rob can't stand to watch people giving blood or give blood himself. It makes him sick! Go figure Dr. Rob!

The Howard Bolton Family said...

Howard can't take the children getting shots, let alone stitches. I think he was very grateful that the children timed most of the gruesome accidents for the times when he was in Japan on business. He fainted when I had my first IV for our oldest, Siovhan. After that, with all the other children, he would be found out walking in the hall while I had the epidurals or IVs.

Jessica said...

Very entertaining article. You're on your way to the top of the newspaper Chief.

Diana said...

I haven't done the whole stitches thing with kids yet. I'm sure that was loads of fun for Carl.

LL said...

OH WOW~~~way to take one for the team! Hope you're feeling better and back in the game soon.

emily said...

that's funny. i'm not sure i would be able to handle that either. -emilye

Trueman twins said...

Way to be brave Jordan! Dad, well not so much! At least he didn't faint, but he did endure so he gets a shout out too!
Did they win after all that? He should have got an automatic home run for each stitch!

Tami said...

Ouch! Josh's team was the Brewers this year also, but luckily we had no major injuries this year. Poor Carl, Chris is in that club too. I remember him turning white and nearly passing out in our prenatal classes. Good thing he chose law over medicine.

leigh said...

ha ha. i like what grant's doing the whole time and that carl can't handle the needle. i can't believe you took everyone with you! not fun.

Casey said...

Writing is in your jeans, great work, keep it up and keep on filling us in on the happenings of the Cleaver Clan.