Thursday, June 19, 2008

Boot Camp Cleaning

Sometimes mothering is tough. Okay, I mean mothering is tough on a regular basis, but every once in a while something comes to mind to lighten things up a little. Occasionally we hear whining when its time to clean up. To make it a little more fun I often call out, "Lieutenant Jordan, Private Katie and Colonel Alex, please report to the kitchen." Once they get there I have them salute while they await their assignments. They think its pretty fun, especially when we use as much army jargon as we can think of (yes Carl plays along too--he's a great General). I always have them march behind me as I walk around and inspect the jobs. Its actually pretty fun for me too!


Cheri said...

Jamie, you're so creative. I might have to adapt that to my younger kids but I think using something fun would cut back on the number of "I don't like cleaning up"s I hear.

Cathy said...

We do the "Line Up!" call and the children scramble to make a line. James has even joined the ranks and thinks it's great fun. I caught myself doing it at church the other day when I was trying to account for all the children and get them focused(in a reverent voice of course). I was so embarassed!

emily said...

why is katie the private? :) just kidding

emily said...

my organization tip, since you're making me put it on your blog is for all those key-losers out there.

put a lanyard on your keys and it works wonders. instead of losing my keys everyday. i just lose them once a week! it's amazing!

Jared said...

great idea! I'll try anything to motivate, my ideas get ignored by the kids, but maybe if I say, hey Jordan and Katie do this, it gives it a new angle

Trueman twins said...

I love it! I'm all for anything that makes the mundane things in life more fun! Sometimes we get so stuck in a rut! I'll have to try this. Thanks!

Ashley said...

wow what a great idea! i'm going to have to remember that!

Kate said...

I just spent a really long time reading your whole blog. :) You are so clever and creative and a definite inspiration. I have so many ideas I am going to steal now. I love the hot/cold theme. It's so fun to see your lovely family and catch up with you. It really doesn't seem like it has been THAT long... but when is the last time we saw each other?

Jamie said...

Kate, I'd say it was probably the summer of 1991--wow that was a long time ago. I'm so glad we can keep in touch through blogging.