Saturday, September 27, 2008


I love Saturday mornings when soccer games don't start until 10. It means we have time for our one hour cleaning (a Smart Mama idea). The idea is that every member of the family cleans for one hour at the same time. We try to stay together to ensure that everyone is in fact cleaning and not putting their legos together before they put them in the box. Its amazing what 5 people can do in one hour. We haven't been counting Grant as a cleaner--he's still pretty good at undoing what we've cleaned in record time, although he is getting pretty good at staying out of the way. Here's what he was up to today while we cleaned.

He found Katie's lip gloss and carefully put it on ... and put it on ... and put it on while nobody was looking. The plan next week is to have him use baby wipes to clean doorknobs, wipe doors and scrub the kitchen floor.


Diana said...

I think he likes lipgloss as much as I do. What a kid!

nanci said...

This is ADORABLE! I'm impressed that he only has it around his lips - not all over his face or on the carpet, furniture, etc!

Anonymous said...

Great combo- the signature picture pose AND the lip gloss. What a clown!

Tami said...

Hopefully you just found lip gloss on Grant and nowhere else. I really love the idea of the one-hour family cleaning time!

Christy said...

That picture is classic! The wipes are a fabulous idea, my kids can't stop cleaning everything with them these days, so buy the cheapest you can. They also make good pretend casts.

leigh said...

that's what we did today - i gave everyone a wet wash cloth and they scrubbed spots on the floors. (Jack scrubbed boogers off the couch - why do they have to smear them on the couch?) Even Charlie wanted to do it.

smart mama said...

I love family clean!!some weeks are more effective than others- spomeone is alwasy bound to a little distraction- this is classic

Trueman twins said...

That one's a keeper! Both the child and the picture that is! It will be great leverage when he is older.