Friday, September 26, 2008


I'm sad to say that Grant is showing stronger resistance to napping. Yesterday after working on getting him down for about 10 minutes I went downstairs to work on the computer. I could hear him running across the wood floor. "Go to sleep," I said. Next thing I knew he was sneaking out of his room. A few minutes later I went searching for him and found him just a few feet away from me on the bottom step. At first glance I thought he was laying there awake, but as I got closer I found that he was completely zonked out. I had to hurry and take a picture before he rolled over and bonked his head on the tile floor.


LL said...

THAT is adorable. I love when they do stuff like this. How tired must he have been to fall asleep right there.
I love it, hooray for cameras at times like this.
cute guy, we love little GRANT!

Jodi said...

Little kids are so adorable! That's cute!