Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Not the best picture of Jordan but isn't so much nicer to read posts with pictures?

I don't know what has come over Jordan but he has had some stellar moments these past couple of days. On Monday I was teaching him the effects of putting wet jeans in the laundry basket and leaving them there for a week. I suggested that he hang them up until they're dry. He totally surprised me when he said, "Thanks for telling me that mom. I didn't know that would happen." Minutes later he said, "Mom, I went the extra mile and put all the floaties in the swimming bag." (Typically I get scowls when I ask Jordan to help out.) Then again yesterday when everyone was hungry and I was lazily reading a book, Jordan had this great idea to made Top Ramen for everyone. He had Grant on a chair next to him and was teaching him about boiling water. I was amazed when he said, "Mom, I'm so much happier when I'm helping people." YAY! He's getting it. Not to say that he didn't spend a good part of the rest day pestering his siblings but I have to take the rewards where I can get them.


Diana said...

Jordan gets a star on his forehead. Nice job!

Tami said...

These are hopeful moments to cherish and hold on to!!! Great job Jordan!

Trueman twins said...

I love it when out of the blue they do something so great! It renews your faith in the fact that they ARE actually getting it!

katie said...

What a cute kid. I bet you felt like a good mom.

Jamie said...

Good mom? More like a really lucky mom since I had not actually done anything at that particular moment to encourage such good behavior.

Jamie said...
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emily said...

i miss george. nice that i'll be able to see you all again soon.