Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Every time my family gets together we have a talent show. At first (a few years ago) everyone performed pretty much against their will but now just about everyone looks forward to it (mostly for the candy bar award for participating). We hear things throughout the year like, "I know what I'm going to do for the next talent show. " Here's a list of a few of the talents:

hoola hooping-pictured above

cutting paper-yes it is quite a talent for a two year old

poetry recitation

putting makeup on (Julia's head with Steff's hands)--pictured left

blowing bubble gum bubbles


whistle duet

singing---pictured right

Its a tradition that I think will stick. Hopefully the talents will just keep getting better and better.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Your talent shows remind me of Dan In Real Life :) Have you seen that? I love that show. It's so cute.