Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Clear Eyes

My eyes tend to get clouded over by worries, frustrations, and just STUFF. The cloudiness causes me to be crabby, snappy with the kids, and though I hate to do it I usually blame Carl for every bad thing that happens--he's not even usually around when bad things happen--of course that's why he gets the blame, because he's not there to bail me out. Anyway, in the last few days my vision has totally cleared up. I'm attributing this change in vision to a clean kitchen (always makes me happy) and the temple. Every time I go there my mind seems to kind of clean itself out (like turning on the dishwasher) and my worries and frustrations go away (at least until I get home). So my mind gets clear and then it gets filled up with great thoughts about treating my kids with more kindness and spending more "fun" time with them, being a more supportive wife and happier around Carl. These thoughts probably don't seem that unusual, if only I could describe how great they were.

Though I love going inside the temple, I've noticed that there is also peace and a mind-clearing power found even outside the temple on the temple grounds. I remember being at the Boston Temple grounds with Jordan and Katie when they were ages 4 and 2 and thinking there couldn't be any other place in the world that felt more like what I imagined heaven to be like. How great to be able to feel that same thing at any temple any time.


Tami said...

It's so true. When I'm at the temple, I always think that I need to go more often to have that feeling and those "clear eyes" as you put it, more often. I love that while we go to serve others in the temple, we are blessed tremendously also. Thanks for the inspiring reminder!

Trueman twins said...

Great thoughts Jamie! It is so nice to see life clearer for a bit before all of lifes clutter gets in the way!

Jodi said...

I think you're right...the Temple grounds are very spiritual, as well. When I lived in Orlando, the Temple was quite a trip away, and the only time I saw it was on a Sunday. I couldn't go in, but the peace it brought me outside was incredible...and just what I needed. Jodi

Christy said...

Our poor husbands put up with a lot! But it is so true about clearing the clouds! The more I read about politics, school social agendas, and all the things we have to deal with to be an active part of society, I reach a "boiling over" point where I am utterly confused! My scriptures always help to keep the status quo but the temple just cleans the slate!

smart mama said...

so true- I need to try to stretch p so I can make it there

Jan said...

I love this picture, by the way. It's perfect for your post. It just looks like a building that would be meant to help HF's children.

birdeeb said...

I agree about the temple! I have a great co-worker who is also a great friend who invites me to go with her & her hubby...and last week Chris went too! It has been forever since he went (mainly cause he thinks it's boring...ugh!) and so as we sat there it was just so nice! I love being there...I find I don't think about anything but just being there. My mind is blank! Then when I get into the Celestial room I cry & bawl. I even prayed that Ben would want to potty train & the next day (no lie) Ben actually went 1/2 day wearing underpants & going to the potty! Only 1 accident, but it was a huge improvement!! And of course we are back to he doesn't want to do it. :o(