Thursday, October 2, 2008

errand entertainers

Today, while at the store, I tried on some shoes. To get a better view of them I rolled up one leg of my pants (the leg I had tried the shoe on). I decided I didn't need the shoes after all and went on my way. After Grant dumped a whole bag of sunflower seeds on the store floor, we headed to the library. While there Grant hit me hard across the face (after two unsucessful attempts to bite me--he really didn't want to cross the library to the non-fiction section). Then he booked it. He didn't know where he was heading but the chase was on. It was quickly stopped as Grant ran smack dab into a table. He screamed for quite a while and wanted comfort--I wasn't actually feeling real sorry for the guy. Next was a trip to the recycling center followed by a quick stop to the second hand store. We had to park farther away than we wanted and walked across a busy street to get into the store. As we walked up to the door I saw my reflection in the glass and realized I had forgotten to pull my pant leg down after trying on the shoes on our first errand. I'm thinking the entertainment Grant provided to unsuspecting viewers during our errands this morning was only increased by my one pant rolled look.


Kate said...

That's SO funny. I know things like that have happened to me before... but of course I'm too tired to think of anything specific.

Cheri said...

Jamie, that might be the new trend where you live - watch for it and let me know if it gets picked up.

Ahhh, the busy lives/brains of moms...

Tami said...

Nothing like a little comic relief after a horrible day of errand-running! Thanks for the laughs, and sorry about your day!

polka dots said...

such a mom moment Jamie. reminds me of my life!

ps: i am excited about e.f.r. next summer!

Libby said...

I can totally see how that could happen! I had a late night run to the grocery store the other day and happened to look down at myself as I was walking into the store. I was COVERED in snot--all over my shirt. It's one thing to look awful with the offending little ones in tow. It's another to go out without any little kids to "explain" the mayhem of our attire!

Being a Mom requires an ability to forget ourselves and what we look like sometimes. Way to make all the rest of us feel a little better and a little less alone!

Leah said...

Hahaha! I completely understand where you're coming from! I've been doing that lately too and I don't even have kids yet! :)

Trueman twins said...

I'm likin' the tan lines! Hey after that morning you can dress however you like!

birdeeb said...

LOL! I love the last line!! Oh man that made my day haha! And I have to say I appreciate the post that you have crazy, sometimes mean, kids too! How do you handle it? I have a hard time with patience...ahhhhh! ;o)

leigh said...

i'm pretty sure they just thought you were making a fashion statement!